“Don’t Change It: Test It!” Are your B2B landing page conversion rate amazing or abysmal? How do you know? No-one is at the same place in your industry/company development/team maturity/product technology/market penetration/competitive environment as you. You are unique. Here’s an overview to guide your thinking.
Posts in the Market Research category:
Understanding The Market Is Critical To Marketing Strategy.
Choosing the right market research method depends on the topic to be explored and what you want to learn.
Maybe it’s a specific market analysis question about social media market size and involves web analytics, number crunching and creative angles. Or perhaps it a more qualitative understanding of customer experiences and needs.
In this busy “Sea of Noise” (to borrow a phrase from Jon Morrow), it’s important to do competitive analysis at reasonable intervals and to understand the wider market trends.
How To Get Your Team Started With Customer Journey Mapping => Touchpoints Workshop
For some organizations the core objective of customer journey mapping is to reduce the loss of prospects. For others, the goal is to start understanding the experience of prospects and customers who are trying to navigate your organization. For those responsible for product and service development, it’s about uncovering opportunities to serve customers better. In […]
Design Thinking
Design Thinking is not about design nor about the user interface, it’s about thinking about people, the users of your product or services.
1 Minute Market Research Tip – Google Trends
Take a minute to improve your marketing with this series of marketing tips that take one minute to explain or use.
Case Study: Developing Shared Understanding & Gaining Actionable Information In An Large IT Service Organization
Developing B2B Technology Customer Persona Putting ‘Customer Experience’ At The Heart of IT Service Delivery and Development.
Your Product Management Salary Compared
As a competent product management professional who delivers results, you want to earn what you deserve. Here’s guidance on how to compare your product management salary to others, and 20 data sources (in March 2021) on Irish and international product management salary and compensation packages.