composite photographic image consisting of 3 frames, each arrow-shaped and with a text overlay. Facing left, the market arrow with over a group of obscured people. Facing right and located on the top: the second largest arrow says: Value prop over a digital blue abstract image. The smallest arrow, also facing right and located on the bottom right is a solid green with text, alternative offers. It's a bright and upbeat composition.

Scoping Your B2B Value Proposition

A simple, yet comprehensive guide to frame your organizational energy, your solution development and messaging. Read this before commencing work on articulating B2B product messaging (the actual words). Developing your value proposition is grounded in three elements: customer needs, your solution, and alternative offers. It’s about making strategic decisions and aligning organizational energy around those […]


Minimalist Checklist For Good SEO Articles / Posts

Find out the absolute minimum you need to know in order to ensure your articles, blog posts or case studies are ready for Google, i.e. ‘search engine optimized’ (SEO) AND ready for your readers. So you have an article written and it fits the minimum length of approximately 300 words. Perhaps it is already published. […]

Marketing Communication Channel Effectiveness: What Gets The Job Done?

Succinct, easily digestible and seriously meaty, this is my favourite favorite chart on marketing communication channels.  Why? Because this chart provides a great overview of what channel you should be using, and what you’re letting yourself in.  Because nobody’s marketing communication resources are a bottomless pit.