Are you an ambitious business leader who would benefit from international technology marketing knowledge to position your B2B technology SME organization for sustained competitive advantage?

Get professional advice and practical assistance with Jane’s 30+ years of B2B international technology marketing management experience.
On the basis of a partnership built on trust, Jane Morgan at JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy works with you over several months to improve your organization’s ability to better understand and reach customers. A key focus is on developing a customer-centric mindset across your organization.
“With Jane’s ability to easily see through layers of fog, her skills in focusing on real customer problems has become legendary … I highly recommend Jane.”
David Smith
VP of Software EngineeringSpectorSoft (now Veriato).
Understanding B2B Technology Customers & Markets
Understanding customers lights a fire under your market and business strategy, from product development through marketing communications and sales efforts. Understanding customers warms and informs market strategy from the fuzzy front-end of new product development, through product launch and beyond to reaching loyal customers.
Market and customer research enlightens the road to profitability by focusing on; understanding real customer problems, aligning your offer to real customer needs, and focusing on markets where you can win. Together with understanding your capabilities and ambition, these elements combine into a winning business model. Your B2B technology customers, the future users of your offer, are embedded in a market place. The three key elements required to understand your market are; customer need, the market space and alternatives to your offers, including competitors.

Assignments to improve understanding B2B technology customers and your market include:
- Developing / refining overarching organizational market-led strategy.
- Selecting target markets by sizing markets and segments where you solve real customer problems.
- Exploring competitors’ positioning, offers and marketing communication.
- Learning more about customers needs by researching and developing B2B customer persona.
- Improving articulation of the differentiated value you offer customers.
- Exploring pricing and revenue models that align your offer, your ambition, and market need.
- Scoping route-to-market and potential partnerships to broaden your reach
- Focusing on fulfilling customer needs via cross-team processes from development through on-boarding to retaining satisfied customers.
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Reaching B2B Technology Customers
Using the 3Cs Marketing Communications framework, explore and invest in the right marketing Content, Channels (the mix of events, email, advertising, public relations, etc.) and Campaigns to reach your B2B technology customers where they are in the most cost effective way. Do you have the right marketing communication capabilities, processes and goals in place?

B2B technology marketing content assignment include:
- Identifying, prioritizing and filling gaps in understanding the customer journey to purchase.
- Scoping questions your prospective customers need to answer to select the right solution.
- Creating answers, marketing content, that guide and support prospects on the journey from awareness, to preference and and purchase, through to loyalty.
- Scoping the jobs your “digital marketing central”, aka your website, needs to fulfill.
- Your website is the single most important aspect of B2B technology marketing communications and, typically, a corner stone of commercial success.
B2B technology marketing channel assignments include:
- Developing your organizational capabilities to select winning communications channels with practical considering of available resources and skills.
- Establishing marketing communication processes to effectively reach B2B technology clients.
- Scoping and supporting channel partners to serve customers well.
- Setting up marketing metrics to enable your organization to make informed decisions about what works and focus future communication investment.
- Establishing accountability for brand awareness, lead generation and lead nurturing.
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JEM 9 B2B Technology Clients
Technology-wise JEM 9 clients are from across the tech stack – from industrial component design, to middle-ware integrators, to delivering on-premise and SaaS software. Some are developing solutions with cutting-edge patented technology using 3D imaging, machine-learning, and AI. Most bring-to-market technology that aids efficiency and provide insights which is just not available with manual or paper processes. Clients provide solutions to such sectors as; supply chain, manufacturing, food production, health, fintech, retail, and transport. Other JEM 9 clients aid digitization of core the business operation that exist in every sector with solutions for accountancy / finance, HR, design, and quality inspection. And, of course, many offer stand-alone or wrap-around IT services. Select previous clients include:
- Rapid-growth industry-leading European 3D technology vendor with B2B customers in industrial product design.
- American manufacturer of data center control systems serving Fortune 500 customers in finance, technology and healthcare.
- Fully-managed enterprise-scale healthcare software platform provider with international customers.
- SME food manufacturing technology vendor with Irish and UK B2B customers.
- UK IT Services Team with 23,000 users/customers across multiple campuses.
- Pan-European publicly-traded logistics and supply chain technology provider for regulated manufacturers.
- Various B2B SaaS vendors in fintech, HR tech, transport, and supply chain management.
- Various technology start-ups, including participants in the Irish state-supported (LEO) New Frontiers and Enterprise Ireland programmes.
- …. more => customer testimonials
JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy Approach
Solving real customer needs is at the heart of great B2B technology marketing and organizational success.
Jane guides you towards developing a winning, customer-centric market strategy. Invest in the development of your business based on your ambition, your current capabilities, your customers, your market context, and your existing solution delivery capabilities (from product development through marketing communications to sales, customer on-boarding and after-sales customer service).
Whether you need a strategic framework to scope which product path to pursue, assistance understanding customers or to need to improve your B2B digital marketing communications, Jane‘s technology skills help you with:
♦ understanding customers | ♦ researching markets |
♦ reaching customers | ♦ developing business strategy |
Sample B2B SME Clients Needs / Requests
Key business challenges where Jane assists combine some of these aspects ↓
Strategic Focus – Organizational Decisions
- Are we getting the fundamental, such as competitive advantage, right?
- What should we focus on next? We need an outside voice.
- We need some assistance figuring out where to “put our heads”.
- Can you help us do the “next right thing”?
- We know we can deliver but we have no market research.
- Profitability is going down: Help!
‘Which Market’ Decisions
- Our market is changing so I need to get my leadership team aligned around different priorities.
- Which market segment should we serve for improved profitability?
- Which region is better? Is the UK better than Canada?
- I need a better handle on what our existing customers value most.
- Which product capabilities should we focus on next?
Existing-market Decisions
- Can we increase pricing? And if so, how do we manage that?
- Would channel partners help us scale internationally?
- We need more clarity around go-to-market.
- Our existing customers love us: How do we find more of those?
- Our clients business model is evolving…… not sure what to do next……
Value Proposition Decisions
- Our website does a poor job of articulating what we do.
- We need the right story.
- How do we improve our messaging?
- We are doing demos but not closing sales.
- Our customer value prop is a bit immature if I’m honest.
Marketing Communications, Sales & Support – People Decisions
- It’s really hard to know who to hire next: Enterprise sales is so expensive.
- Is it time to develop our marketing communication capabilities?
- How do we grow our sales pipeline? We don’t have enough leads.
- Can we somehow close leads faster?
- On-board customers is eating up all my sales resources – help!
- Why is our customer churn so high?
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