Case Study: B2B Technology Customer Persona Development

Putting ‘Customer Experience’ At The Heart of IT Service Delivery and Development.

Thousands of Customers With Different Needs

In a increasingly competitive market place and to support the university’s 10 year vision, the IT Services department of this international research and education provider sought to switch towards a “customer experience” mentality.

With tens of thousand of customers with different goals and types of experiences working with the team, teasing out differing needs was critical.  Jane was engaged for the project.

Project Goals

1. Develop a shared understanding of customer needs & pain points through development of customer persona(s) based on knowledge (not opinion).

2. Collect and analyse disparate knowledge across teams and data silos.

3. Build on team enthusiasm for understanding of customer needs.

B2B Customer Persona Development Case Study - IT Services Department

Project Action Plan

  • Understand core market context, particularly on-going change through preparatory market research.
  • Explore ~40 market research data sources, including digital customer touch points, such as web analytics, and customer support analytics.
  • Identify disparate data sources, pool team knowledge and encourage engagement via internal stakeholder interviews and an alignment workshop .
  • Fill knowledge gaps and give the team first-hand experience of frank customer feedback via ~70 semi-structured customer interviews.
  • Analyse qualitative data via the team-based “LP”, language processing, analysis enabling knowledge sharing and identification of critical ‘voices’.Case Study Sample B2B Voice of the Customer Analysis

Case Study Results

  • Five detailed B2B customer persona each with their ‘ecosystem’ of influences grounded in the market space, and each clearly differentiated from the others.
  • The ability to develop customer experience metrics and improvements aligned to customer need, including those formerly invisible.
  • Customer empathy and a shared language as corner stones for change which requires team involvement and commitment.
JEM 9 B2B Technology Marketing Customer Persona Development Case Study - Lara Fox

Ready to Develop Your B2B Customer Persona?  Explore if Jane may be able to assist you.

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About Jane Morgan

With 20+ years high-tech marketing & product development experience from Boston to Billund, Berlin to Bangalore, Jane has managed teams and tech products with millions of installs, and millions of revenue (annually). She's researched and developed market strategy for global markets, and established the blueprint for product management in many new teams. As an intrapreneur turned entrepreneur, she changed vowels in 2014 and founded JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy. Today she works with CEOs & business leaders to assist them in understanding and reaching customers. Speaker on market research, technology marketing and product management.