What Gets The Job Done? Marketing Communication Channels Compared by B2B marketers in Marketing Sherpa’s survey
Posts with the Marketing Inspiration tag
An eclectic mix of inspirational marketing quotes from my reading, events and more.
Wikipedia defines inspiration as:
being from the Latin “inspirare”, as meaning “to breathe into”
an unconscious burst of creativity in a literary, musical, or other artistic endeavour.
Marketing is a creative (and analytic) endeavour. Here the focus is on going beyond, trying something new and idea gathering. Enjoy!
B2B Case Study Template
B2B Case Study – SOAR Template Explainer with Examples 6 sections make up this easy-to-use B2B case study template. Adaptable to any length, this framework covers all the content you need to convey the value of your solution. Examples of various length and style are provided. These examples are case studies of clients’ experience working […]
B2B Landing Page Conversion Rates
“Don’t Change It: Test It!” Are your B2B landing page conversion rate amazing or abysmal? How do you know? No-one is at the same place in your industry/company development/team maturity/product technology/market penetration/competitive environment as you. You are unique. Here’s an overview to guide your thinking.
One Minute Marketing Content Tip – The Magic Number is 7
Take a minute to improve your marketing with this series of marketing tips that take one minute to explain or use.
Digital Data – Use & Adoption Of Analytic Tools
Love / Hate Chart + Data Inspiration! Types of market research analytics or tools that you could be using to inform (and transform) your business, marketing communications and product development.
Presenting Data Truthfully Using Charts
Don’t you hate dodgy line graphs? Line graphs draw the reader’s eye along, joining the dots. That’s good for trends; going up, …. and going down. Brilliant for indicating change over time. Sadly it’s all too common to see dots joined inappropriately. And here’s an example…..