Finding market research data to answer your business questions is easier than you think. Irrespective of what market research methods, tools or techniques you’re using, these accessible B2B data sources will help you better understand and, ultimately reach, your B2B prospects. You’ll be pleasantly surprised how many are readily available and quick to access. Some […]
Posts with the Understanding B2B Customers tag
There Is No Better Way To Improve Your Strategic and Tactial Business Planning, Product Development and Marketing Communications Than By Understanding Customers. Here Are The JEM 9 Resources To Help You.
How To Set Up Google Analytics
Web analytics is core to understanding how customers and prospects are using your website. Google Analytics is a comprehensive free offering that provides wonderful insights so you can better serve customers. Follow these steps to set up Google Analytics.
How To Do Face To Face Usability Testing
Some website and product development teams think usability testing a waste of time. But never after they’ve done it. Other research methods are about ‘how many’ (market size) or ‘future desirable features’ but usability tests if your offer meets users’ needs. Doing usability ‘face to face’ gives an unparalleled opportunity to understand ‘why’ customers are doing […]
Loving Free Form Text Analysis
‘Free form’ text analysis can strike fear into even the most customer-battered, nail-biting researcher. But you can learn how to get actionable information from free form text without doing the charleston with an orange octopus. And; have fun understanding customers with this easy expert technique.
Company Lingo
“Research includes collecting the company lingo no PROSPECT will use, and using paid search to prove or disprove.” Christine Churchill @ChrisChurchill Marketing Inspiration Brought To You By JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy #MarketingInspiration #SMX
Digital Marketing Skills: Are You Broad, Deep or Scattered?
Sometimes you come across an idea that just plain olde GRABS you. That’s what happened when I read Rand’s article on the T-Shaped Marketer. It’s a new way, proposed by Tim Brown of Ideo, of describing the trade-offs of depth versus breadth in marketing skills.