“30 – 60% Of Leads Have Multi-Channel Attribution.” Adrian Vender Marketing Inspiration Brought To You By JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy #MarketingInspiration #SMX
Posts with the Reaching B2B Customers tag
Using Google Analytics Custom Campaigns: A Resource List
Everything you need to start using Google Analytics’ custom campaigns.
Social Media Earning Takes TIme
Social media marketing need to cover earned and paid. Like everything worthwhile in life: Earning Takes Time Marketing Inspiration Brought To You By JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy #MarketingInspiration
Webpage Content For SEO
A set of visual resources to get you grounded quickly in the core concepts of search engine optimization (SEO) focused on what each of your individual website pages needs.
Digital Marketing Skills: Are You Broad, Deep or Scattered?
Sometimes you come across an idea that just plain olde GRABS you. That’s what happened when I read Rand’s article on the T-Shaped Marketer. It’s a new way, proposed by Tim Brown of Ideo, of describing the trade-offs of depth versus breadth in marketing skills.
The Heart of Marketing
Understanding Your Customers Is the Heart of Marketing Consider What you already know Known weaknesses in your understanding of customers. Blind spots that leave you blinkered What competitors know