Digital Marketing Skills: Are You Broad, Deep or Scattered?

Sometimes you come across an idea that just plain olde GRABS you. That’s what happened when I read Rand’s article on the T-Shaped Marketer. It’s a new way, proposed by Tim Brown of Ideo, of describing the trade-offs of depth versus breadth in marketing skills.

Marketing Love Is

Marketing Love is: the intersection of creative ideas and data analytics. I believe in data analytics to inform marketers if what they are doing is working.  Similarly good marketing also requires creative ideas.  A perfect match of right brain / left brain. Inspired by a discussion on business culture and values yesterday, and my wedding anniversary today. […]

The 3 “A”s of Business Metrics

How to avoid metrics that don’t align to business objectives Unfortunately it is all too easy to slip into so called ‘vanity metrics’. Charts and lines that go upwards and to the right but don’t inform sensible business decision making. Test your existing metrics against the three “A”s of good metrics; actionable, accessible and auditable. […]

Marketing Budget by Channel

New research on eCommerce organizations shows social media marketing as the marketing channel second only to email marketing.   SEO rounds out the top three most popular channels being used.  About 50% of the organizations surveyed are investing in mobile marketing; still on the low side given the penetration of SmartPhones and use of the mobile web. […]