B2B Marketing Technology Landscape – A Market Map Example

With 3,874 marketing technology solution providers, the marketing technology landscape map, by chiefmartec.com, maps the ecosystem of marketing technology, the marketing tech stack.  For strategic marketing learning, let’s consider the market map from two different perspective. 1). Which tools may enable and improve your marketing? 2). Consider how Chiefmartec grouped and organized the different offers showing who is competing in the same market space.

Martec By Functional Category

2016 saw a new organization into the 5 largest functional categories and the focus shifted towards the core marketing ‘job to be done’.  (The generic IT layer is gone.)

The functional categories are:

  1. Advertising & Promotion
  2. Content & Experience
  3. Social & Relationships
  4. Commerce & Sales
  5. Data
  6. Management

Marketing Technology Integration

You will also want to consider how/if those 6 different areas might play together within your organization.  Integration capabilities continue to improve.

From a process efficiency stand point, one small example is Hootsuite, a social marketing tool, that announced integrations with Dropbox, Google Drive and what was then Microsoft’s ‘Skydrive’ to make access to existing imagery and other content easier.

From the viewpoint of creating an integrated picture tracking customer engagement there was still a ways to go as in 2016:

  • only 18% of organizations reported integration across marcom channels with insights available,
  • 61% of organization were making good progress, and
  • 21% had poor transparency and siloed information.
Click the image for a larger version.

More Marketing Technology Resources

To support developing your marketing capabilities, couple the martec landscape map with these resources:

About Jane Morgan

With 20+ years high-tech marketing & product development experience from Boston to Billund, Berlin to Bangalore, Jane has managed teams and tech products with millions of installs, and millions of revenue (annually). She's researched and developed market strategy for global markets, and established the blueprint for product management in many new teams. As an intrapreneur turned entrepreneur, she changed vowels in 2014 and founded JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy. Today she works with CEOs & business leaders to assist them in understanding and reaching customers. Speaker on market research, technology marketing and product management.