Keeping the Internet Safe for Children


Net Children Go Mobile – Final Report

The Net Children Go Mobile Final Report is now available and includes an infographic that you can print for your own use.

Net Children Go Mobile - Final Infographic


I tweeted this today but I think it is really important that we share it with:

  • the social media marketing
  • online content creator communities as well as
  • parents and
  • teachers.

What is more important than keeping children safe?


There are various reports, with details on different European countries, available on the Net Children Go Mobile website


About Jane Morgan

With 20+ years high-tech marketing & product development experience from Boston to Billund, Berlin to Bangalore, Jane has managed teams and tech products with millions of installs, and millions of revenue (annually). She's researched and developed market strategy for global markets, and established the blueprint for product management in many new teams. As an intrapreneur turned entrepreneur, she changed vowels in 2014 and founded JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy. Today she works with CEOs & business leaders to assist them in understanding and reaching customers. Speaker on market research, technology marketing and product management.