Created by Samantha Kelly, who on Twitter goes by @TweetingGoddess, the #IrishBizParty tweetchat is an example of a tweetchat for Irish microbusinesses. The #IrishBizParty provides a forum for the exchange of tips, leads and more.
It’s an example of a TweetChat, where participants congregate on Twitter at a predetermined time and using a unique hashtag for a realtime conversation and discussion. (Learn more about Hashtags here.)
To easily pull together the essence of a tweetchat and to create a more evergreen form of marketing content tools such as Storify (here as a WordPress plugin) can be used. This review of #IrishBizParty gives a sense of how conversation and community can develops around a common theme/topic.
TweetChat Tools
- TweetDeck – A realtime desktop application to easily organize and filter tweet streams for participating in and managing a tweetchat.
- TweetChats – Another realtime desktop application to help manage or participates in a tweetchat. It automatically add the hashtags and creates a ‘room’ for you to see just the TweetChat
- Storify Easily Curate & Capture Evergreen Marketing Content From TweetChats
TweetChat Resources
- How Run A TweetChat – a video overview by Pam Moore of MarketingNutz who runs tweetchats for IBM.
- How To Host A TweetChat – step by step guidance on Social Media Examiner.
- Find A TweetChat – Get a sense of the range of tweetchats from these schedules from TweetReports and TWUBS. These tend to get outdated so I often find Twitter search works well.