Custom Campaign Tagging

Using Google Analytics Custom Campaigns: A Resource List

Everything you need to start using Google Analytics’ custom campaigns.

How to use the wonderful functionality which is available for free; custom campaign tracking, and stop lumping all your website traffic into one murky pool.  (There’s additional background on manual and automatic campaign tracking in Google Analytics from Jane’ presentation at SMX West. )

1. How To Simplify Manual Campaign Tracking

To help marketers and business owners improve their understanding of Return On Investment (ROI) for marketing campaigns, Jane created this step by step guide to using custom campaign tracking in Google Analytics .

=> The complete ‘how to’ guide is on MarketingLand here.



2. Custom Campaign Tracking – The Presentation

For those who prefer presentations, the slideshare is here.

3. Custom Campaign Tracking Dashboards

To make understanding and communicating campaign results easy here are two tracking dashboards available in the Google Solutions Gallery.

JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy | Custom Campaign Tagging Resources Google Analytics Solutions Gallery

a). All Goals By Marketing Media Dashboard

This dashboard shows which marketing media / channel is driving most goal completions. It covers all marketing media / channels.

It will help you understand what each channel is contributing to your goals. For example should you consider increasing the investment in cpc or social?  Includes Adwords, custom campaigns and untagged traffic.

Is there a lot of goal conversion where the medium is “(none)”?

Some of this will be direct traffic, where the person bookmarked or typed in the URL.  For the remainder perhaps it’s time to start using custom campaign tagging to understand from where website visitors and, more importantly, goal conversions are coming.

=> Import to Google Analytics here Dashboard All Marketing Goals By Medium

b). Compare Campaigns (Custom & Paid Search) Dashboard

Learn which of your custom campaigns and google paid search campaigns is driving the most goal completions, and which has the best goal completion rate.

See which campaign content is driving the most goal completions. And learn which sources and media/channels are performing best.
A great aid to future campaign decision making!

=> Import to Google Analytics here Dashboard To Compare Campaigns

Custom Campaign Tracking Taxonomy

The article and presentation above both outline how to use a custom campaign tracking. It’s not complicated but does require attention to detail, and a taxonomy shared by the whole team.

Custom Campaign-Tagging-Index-Sample-For Google Analytics

Here’s a free taxonomy template for you to download and use.

Tip!!! => start by looking at what tagging is already in your Google Analytics account under: ‘Acquisition’ / ‘Campaigns’.

More Resources For Using Google Analytics Custom Campaigns

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About Jane Morgan

With 20+ years high-tech marketing & product development experience from Boston to Billund, Berlin to Bangalore, Jane has managed teams and tech products with millions of installs, and millions of revenue (annually). She's researched and developed market strategy for global markets, and established the blueprint for product management in many new teams. As an intrapreneur turned entrepreneur, she changed vowels in 2014 and founded JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy. Today she works with CEOs & business leaders to assist them in understanding and reaching customers. Speaker on market research, technology marketing and product management.