When is good enough good enough? When is the editing complete? The layout finished. The image sharpness just right. The text unambiguous. The detail sufficient. The waffle cut.
It can be really hard almost impossible to decide a project is good enough or even when it’s really really good. As Andrea Scher of Superhero Life says:
“Perfection is the Enemy of Done”
As true for imagery as it is for copy; not to mention the combined result. There is almost always something else you can do. But have you reached the end of the 80:20 and are you working on the 20%? Or perhaps it is a really important project but you’re in the 95 percentile? Maybe it’s not even that; it’s five o’clock and you just gotta leave……
=> gotta move on some time!!
Which is why I have found this idea from Austin Kleon’s book ‘Show Your Work‘ so useful:
“Use the End of one Project to Light up the Next”
You aren’t abandoning your baby/project, rather you are letting it be. Allowing space for it to find it’s place amongst the zeros and ones in our digital world. Put it out there;
=> there is another project around the corner.
Andrea’s photographic work came to me through imagery from the book Expressive Photography while Austin’s came to me in written form. I wanted an image that brought the two ideas together but was not a a smooth transition. No yin yang. The ideas are more angular. Perfection; dark and sucking you in. The next project; forward looking to the sky and beyond. It’s the combination of two ideas which are useful for me. I hope for you too!