but first let’s get a common misunderstanding about messaging out of the way.
Posting Messages To Pages On Facebook

So what’s the better way to engage influencers?
Firstly carefully identified other organizations with Facebook pages, whose audience overlaps with yours. As usual it’s all about understanding customers.
Once you’ve identified relevant influencers on Facebook here’s how to engage them without being creepy:
3 Alternative Ways To Engage Facebook Influencers
1. Send Your Influencer’s A Private Message
Open a dialog about something of shared interest. This message is sent from an individual, not a Facebook page. Pages can’t send messages to other pages.
To do this navigate or search for the Facebook page in question, then choose the “Message” button towards the top of the page.
2. Share A Partners Or Influencer’s Status Update
From your partners or influencer’s Facebook page, carefully select a status update (also called posts) that’s of interest to your audience. This way you are both serving your own audience and doing them a favour.
This method is called ‘curating content’. (Content curation often makes up a core part of professional content marketing plans).
Sharing causes the influencer’s page to be notified privately.
Check out your own Facebook page notifications to see if someone has already mentioned your page. In this example you can see 11 shares. See here for more on Facebook page messaging.
3. Tag Influencers On Your Facebook page
Share something of relevance to both your and their audience. Tag/mention the influencer’s page them using @.
As in number 2 above, this causes the influencers page to notified privately.
It’s very important (and sometimes a pain) to use the correct name of the page. The web address in your browser windows shows the exact web destination of facebook pages.
- For example, the JEM 9 page on Facebook is: https://www.facebook.com/jem9dotCom
- To mention JEM 9 you would type: @jem9dotcom It will often pop up before you complete the typing.
If you’ve done it correct, their page name automatically convert to a blue link (show below in the green eclipse).
- identify your particular influencers on Facebook
- carefully note their Facebook page name (and save for future use),
- carefully select or compose status updates of relevance to both your and their audiences
- share an update!