Attribution models attempt to share out, or define who should get the credit for contributing to leads or sales. It’s infinitely sensible to figure out what’s marketing communications is working.
Posts in the Marketing Quotes category:
Part of the marketing inspiration series, marketing quotes provide a single idea – something quick & easy to absorb. Maybe something shiny and new. Maybe marketing wisdom that’s stood the test of disruption.
Be a sponge.
Really Want
“Listen To What The Client Wants. Then Look At The Data. Then Tell Them What They Really Want.” Jeremy Hull @JeremyHull Marketing Inspiration Brought To You By JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy. #MarketingInspiration #SMX
Data Need
“Don’t test on the data you have. Test on the data you need.” Soren Ryherd Marketing Inspiration Brought To You By JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy
Company Lingo
“Research includes collecting the company lingo no PROSPECT will use, and using paid search to prove or disprove.” Christine Churchill @ChrisChurchill Marketing Inspiration Brought To You By JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy #MarketingInspiration #SMX
Glad Readers
“Make Your Readers Glad To Have Found You” Andy Crestodina @crestodina Marketing Inspiration Brought To You By JEM 9 Marketing Consultancy #MarketingInspiration
Glorious Marketing Metrics
“Without metrics there can be no glory!” How do your b-2-b marketing metrics inspire you? Which of your products, teams, campaigns or media deserve the glory? Where is further investment warranted? At whose expense is that additional investment? If you’re not tracking business efforts how will you know to whom the glory should go? Wondering where […]